Lots of free court reporting goods and services if you know where to look.
Steno Freebies!
Dictations and flashcards and classes, oh my! There are so many free goods and services for court reporting students if you just know where to look. BUT...even if you compile all these free things, they are no substitute for a court reporting school or program. There's no replacement for structure, human feedback and overall guidance. I can count on one hand the number of students who have reached 225 on their own. Free stuff is great...but most students need more. So with that disclaimer...let's look at the freebies!!!
Free Dictation Classes
Ready for some live dictation classes that feel like you're in a classroom...but you do them from home?
SimplySteno Live has be offering free dictation classes for over 2 years - different speeds, days and times each week. Just create a free account at the SimplySteno Live website and the weekly schedule will be emailed to you every Sunday. You must have a webcam and microphone to take part. This is awesome practice - sign up today!
Free Steno Dictation
Again, I can't stress enough - just writing to dictation will not get you faster. That said, it's always nice to have some free dictation you can practice with. For your first stop, I suggest StenoTube - the Practice Dictation section. Over 300 videos to check out. Second stop - StenoLife - the Free Steno Dictation section. And of course there are several YouTube pages with some solid material - Steno Chels and Moss4ACI are both good sources.
Free Steno Flashcards
Free Steno Inspiration!
Flashcard systems are great for practicing those challenging outlines. And SimplySteno Flashcards is the first flashcard system designed just for court reporting students! You can create 1- or 2-sided cards - different card sets - English on one side, steno on the other - so many combinations. And once you've created a set, you can have the system automatically flip the cards at a speed determined by you!
Would you like to use SimplySteno Flashcards for free?
Just leave reviews for 2 items or services at StenoWatchdog and you'll be given a 1-year Pro membership to SimplySteno Flashcards. That's all access!! You have till October 15th to leave those reviews!
The Inner Game of Tennis. It's not a book about tennis - it's a book about performing at your highest level. And I have 3 copies to give away! "The Inner Game of Tennis is a revolutionary program for overcoming the self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses of concentration that can keep a player from winning. T he game is often played within the mind of the player, and its principal obstacles are self-doubt and anxiety."
Would you like to win a copy of The Inner Game of Tennis?
Just leave reviews for 2 items or services at StenoWatchdog and you'll be automatically entered into a drawing to win a copy! Winners will be selected on October 15th, so get those reviews in!
Are you ready to start making the most of your speedbuilding time? Are you tired of being stalled in the same speed? Are you lacking structure in your practice? It's time to step things up and jump into SimplySteno! Each day you'll have a new, structured lesson that targets your speed goals. Finger drills, 2-voice, literary, jury charge, medical, names - each day is something new - you'll never get bored with the same practice routine. Most court reporting schools have a pattern of read, read, read, read, test. That's not teaching! SimplySteno addresses the issues that concern most students - it's proactive. And now's the time to join!

Join SimplySteno by October 10th and you'll get a free month added to the program! Join for 3 months and get 4! Join for 9 months and get 10! Join for...well, you get the idea. Check it out today - SimplySteno
(818) 642-9331

Total Structure - "I don't have to put my own speedbuilding schedule together. Every minute is planned out. Marc has picked out the court reporting drills, dictations, order, everything. I just have to sit in the chair and follow along. There's not a second of wasted time."
Camille Connell

Total Feedback - "I get to see my tests and errors along with Marc's notes. I have a better idea about what to work on, because now I can see where I'm making my mistakes."
Georgann McDonald

Total Guidance - "I find the SimplySteno court reporting program to be proactive. There's a theme for each day, and it always seems to address something I've dealt with. I guess many issues are common, and Marc doesn't wait till they come up to talk about them."
Maureen Hepper

Total Support - "Marc doesn't just tell me to "practice more" when I'm having problems. He gives me concrete things to do that target my writing/mental concerns."
Betty Kaplan

Total Access - "I know I can reach Marc whenever I need him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't sleep!"
Carolyn Mulderig

Total Relevance - "I don't need a degree from court reporting school. I just need to work on my writing speed. That's Marc's goal for me. I am not required to take courses that have no relevance to my court reporting goal. He puts the focus on the steno machine."
Lois Parks

15745 SW Colyer Way, Tigard, OR, 97224

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