Les Voiles d'Antibes
From June 1st to June 5th 2016

Les Voiles d'Antibes is the first event of the Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge.

The participants are a splendid selection of the best Yachts d'Epoque, Classic Yachts, Spirit of Tradition Yachts and Class Metric (6 MJI, 8mJI and MJI 12 competitors in the America Cup from 1958 to 1987). These yachts have shaped the great history of international yachting since the end of the nineteenth century!

Il Classic Yacht Nannie
An event of extraordinary beauty

A fleet of legendary boats, which challenge each other over the five days of regatta and match-races that spark competition between the crews.

Antibes famous for the beauty of its scenery and wealth of culture, it offers owners and crews an atmosphere of great cheer during the Antibes regattas.

Concerts, exhibitions, parades and other surprises animate life on land, yet leaving the event’s leading role to the “ladies of the sea”.

Porto di Antibes sunset
Sail with us at this majestic regatta!!

Nannie, is a magnificent International Metric Classic Yacht!

returning to the harbor with our team

Be part of Nannie's team

Understanding the basic sailing terms and rules is essential if you wish to race with us, a professional instructor will be on board. Send your request to participate at the selection to become part of Nannie's team.

For info and contacts: info@andoramr.it

Watch the regatta

You can also participate and follow the regatta on board of our other sailing boats that will follow the regatta during the event and at the end of the day will be moored in Antibes's harbor. A unique experience! come with us!

For info and contacts:info@andoramr.it

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